In August, I had two weeks off with my family, so I made fewer patches, but had the machines build all of ring0 reproducibly for the first time and did start builds of ring1 (500GB binaries each). In ring0, I also managed to build packages with OBS, osc and pbuild and all methods agreed on the build-result. That is with debuginfo enabled everywhere to keep compatibility with Tumbleweed. Only pesign-obs-integration is still causing diffs in OBS. With my reproducibleopensuse tools (devel branch), the lines to reproduce are: osc co home:bmwiedemann:reproducible:distribution:ring0/zstd && cd $_ nachbau # or for a double-build with more variations: debuginfo="--debuginfo --baselibs" project=home:bmwiedemann:reproducible:distribution:ring0 repo=standard rbk and with pbuild (patched with cd /usr/lib/build && curl | patch -p1 ), it is osc co home:bmwiedemann:reproducible:distribution:ring0 && cd $_ ln -sf 000pbuildconf/_* . pbuild --kvm --vm-memory=9000 --vm-disk-size=30000 --jobs 4 --buildjobs 4 --no-checks --release 1.1 --baselibs sha256sums To reach a 100% reproducible ring0, some trade-offs had to be accepted. One is that we use %do_profiling 0 which costs ~8% performance in gcc, bash, python and others that used profile-guided-optimization (PGO). Another is that LTO triggered a reproducibility issue in llvm's libomp, so all versions of llvm build without LTO here, probably losing ~10% of compilation-performance with these as well. There are also some unmerged patches integrated: * SR 1192491 rpm-config-SUSE * * for pdf-rendering with a PoC/WIP portion for deterministic UUIDs On another track, will add extra test-builds for Factory submissions (one using a single-thread and another building 400 days in the future). This makes it simple to see which packages can produce bit-identical results under these variations. Only CPU-type-variations cannot be explicitly tested with it. Those would help to catch programs that build with -march=native . All this brings me close to the first goal of the project: to have all the 328 ingredient rpms for a minimalVM image build 100% bit-reproducible. needs some parts from ring1 and those still need checking, but hopefully not much is left to fix. Image-creation itself is not yet reproducible with random IDs in filesystems and maybe even mtimes. In past years, %post scripts also caused some non-determinism. However, this part is out-of-scope for this project.