~/f/bcc/RPMS.2017 ~/f/bcc ~/f/bcc RPMS.2017/bcc-lua-0.30.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm RPMS/bcc-lua-0.30.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm differ: byte 225, line 1 Comparing bcc-lua-0.30.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm to bcc-lua-0.30.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm comparing the rpm tags of bcc-lua --- old-rpm-tags +++ new-rpm-tags @@ -84 +84 @@ -/usr/bin/bcc-lua e18a2c752c9b626a31bf54d915c53c3f8d13269f8b73674c53c06630bd0802a7 0 +/usr/bin/bcc-lua 91aa19113eb33d5e67ba1339e52ef0fe8c317692330d1d316e72c9bc4b79891a 0 comparing rpmtags comparing RELEASE comparing PROVIDES comparing scripts comparing filelist comparing file checksum creating rename script RPM file checksum differs. Extracting packages /usr/bin/bcc-lua differs in ELF sections --- old /usr/bin/bcc-lua (objdump) +++ new /usr/bin/bcc-lua (objdump) @@ -1305,8 +1305,8 @@ 06a60 61736573 0c656c65 6d656e74 0c6f7074 ases.element.opt 06a70 696f6e73 0d5f6f70 74696f6e 730b6970 ions._options.ip 06a80 61697273 096e616d 650a5f6e 616d650b airs.name._name. - 06a90 61637469 6f6e0100 020b6163 74696f6e action....action - 06aa0 00096e61 6d650014 636f6d6d 616e645f ..name..command_ + 06a90 61637469 6f6e0100 02096e61 6d65000b action....name.. + 06aa0 61637469 6f6e0014 636f6d6d 616e645f action..command_ 06ab0 61637469 6f6e730b 696e7365 72740a74 actions.insert.t 06ac0 61626c65 0c5f6163 74696f6e 0b706172 able._action.par 06ad0 73657201 03030304 04040404 04040404 ser............. @@ -1705,13 +1705,13 @@ 08360 6e17656c 656d656e 745f746f 5f6d7574 n.element_to_mut 08370 65786573 0e617267 756d656e 74730c6f exes.arguments.o 08380 7074696f 6e730b72 6573756c 74010007 ptions.result... - 08390 14636f6d 6d616e64 5f616374 696f6e73 .command_actions - 083a0 00196d75 7465785f 746f5f75 7365645f ..mutex_to_used_ - 083b0 6f707469 6f6e0017 656c656d 656e745f option..element_ - 083c0 746f5f6d 75746578 6573000b 72657375 to_mutexes..resu - 083d0 6c74000c 6f707469 6f6e7300 0f617267 lt..options..arg - 083e0 756d656e 745f6903 010e6172 67756d65 ument_i...argume - 083f0 6e747300 000a636c 6f736500 18636f6d nts...close..com + 08390 0c6f7074 696f6e73 0014636f 6d6d616e .options..comman + 083a0 645f6163 74696f6e 73000b72 6573756c d_actions..resul + 083b0 74001765 6c656d65 6e745f74 6f5f6d75 t..element_to_mu + 083c0 74657865 73000f61 7267756d 656e745f texes..argument_ + 083d0 6903010e 61726775 6d656e74 7300196d i...arguments..m + 083e0 75746578 5f746f5f 75736564 5f6f7074 utex_to_used_opt + 083f0 696f6e00 000a636c 6f736500 18636f6d ion...close..com 08400 706c6574 655f696e 766f6361 74696f6e plete_invocation 08410 00097061 7373000b 696e766f 6b650000 ..pass..invoke.. 08420 0c646566 61756c74 00000a65 72726f72 .default...error @@ -1737,9 +1737,9 @@ 08560 6765745f 75736167 6500175f 6765745f get_usage.._get_ 08570 61726775 6d656e74 5f6c6973 740e6f76 argument_list.ov 08580 65727772 6974650a 636f756e 74010001 erwrite.count... - 08590 09617267 73030601 00030d5f 616c6961 .args......_alia - 085a0 73657300 0f5f6f76 65727772 69746502 ses.._overwrite. - 085b0 0e5f6d69 6e636f75 6e740300 0c617267 ._mincount...arg + 08590 09617267 73030601 00030f5f 6f766572 .args......_over + 085a0 77726974 65020e5f 6d696e63 6f756e74 write.._mincount + 085b0 03000d5f 616c6961 73657300 0c617267 ..._aliases..arg 085c0 6e616d65 1173686f 775f6465 6661756c name.show_defaul 085d0 740c6465 666d6f64 65096172 67730a74 t.defmode.args.t 085e0 61626c65 0c636f6e 76657274 01000109 able.convert.... @@ -1761,11 +1761,11 @@ 086e0 09617267 7303030d 5f6d7574 65786573 .args..._mutexes 086f0 0e5f636f 6d6d616e 64730d5f 6f707469 ._commands._opti 08700 6f6e730f 5f617267 756d656e 74730100 ons._arguments.. - 08710 060e5f63 6f6d6d61 6e647300 0f5f6172 .._commands.._ar - 08720 67756d65 6e747300 0d5f6f70 74696f6e guments.._option - 08730 7300145f 68616e64 6c655f6f 7074696f s.._handle_optio - 08740 6e730215 5f726571 75697265 5f636f6d ns.._require_com - 08750 6d616e64 020d5f6d 75746578 65730000 mand.._mutexes.. + 08710 060f5f61 7267756d 656e7473 000d5f6f .._arguments.._o + 08720 7074696f 6e730014 5f68616e 646c655f ptions.._handle_ + 08730 6f707469 6f6e7302 155f7265 71756972 options.._requir + 08740 655f636f 6d6d616e 64020d5f 6d757465 e_command.._mute + 08750 78657300 0e5f636f 6d6d616e 64730000 xes.._commands.. 08760 01020000 0d616464 5f68656c 70000102 .....add_help... 08770 00000c64 65666175 6c740001 02000009 ...default...... 08780 696e6974 00010200 000b6163 74696f6e init......action @@ -1905,18 +1905,18 @@ 08fe0 07110832 0000804c 0802000f 746f6e75 ...2...L....tonu 08ff0 6d626572 36340e63 70755f63 6f756e74 mber64.cpu_count 09000 0a434c4f 434b0a73 6c656570 0c74696d .CLOCK.sleep.tim - 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0a560 74687562 2e636f6d 2f6b696b 69746f2f thub.com/kikito/ - 0a570 6d696464 6c65636c 6173730d 5f564552 middleclass._VER - 0a580 53494f4e 176d6964 646c6563 6c617373 SION.middleclass - 0a590 2076342e 302e300d 5f4c4943 454e5345 v4.0.0._LICENSE - 0a5a0 84092020 20204d49 54204c49 43454e53 .. MIT LICENS - 0a5b0 450a0a20 20202043 6f707972 69676874 E.. Copyright - 0a5c0 20286329 20323031 3120456e 72697175 (c) 2011 Enriqu - 0a5d0 65204761 7263c3ad 6120436f 74610a0a e Garc..a Cota.. - 0a5e0 20202020 5065726d 69737369 6f6e2069 Permission i - 0a5f0 73206865 72656279 20677261 6e746564 s hereby granted - 0a600 2c206672 6565206f 66206368 61726765 , free of charge - 0a610 2c20746f 20616e79 20706572 736f6e20 , to any person - 0a620 6f627461 696e696e 6720610a 20202020 obtaining a. - 0a630 636f7079 206f6620 74686973 20736f66 copy of this sof - 0a640 74776172 6520616e 64206173 736f6369 tware and associ - 0a650 61746564 20646f63 756d656e 74617469 ated documentati - 0a660 6f6e2066 696c6573 20287468 650a2020 on files (the. - 0a670 20202253 6f667477 61726522 292c2074 "Software"), t - 0a680 6f206465 616c2069 6e207468 6520536f o deal in the So - 0a690 66747761 72652077 6974686f 75742072 ftware without r - 0a6a0 65737472 69637469 6f6e2c20 696e636c estriction, incl - 0a6b0 7564696e 670a2020 20207769 74686f75 uding. withou - 0a6c0 74206c69 6d697461 74696f6e 20746865 t limitation the - 0a6d0 20726967 68747320 746f2075 73652c20 rights to use, - 0a6e0 636f7079 2c206d6f 64696679 2c206d65 copy, modify, me - 0a6f0 7267652c 20707562 6c697368 2c0a2020 rge, publish,. - 0a700 20206469 73747269 62757465 2c207375 distribute, su - 0a710 626c6963 656e7365 2c20616e 642f6f72 blicense, and/or - 0a720 2073656c 6c20636f 70696573 206f6620 sell copies of - 0a730 74686520 536f6674 77617265 2c20616e the Software, an - 0a740 6420746f 0a202020 20706572 6d697420 d to. permit - 0a750 70657273 6f6e7320 746f2077 686f6d20 persons to whom - 0a760 74686520 536f6674 77617265 20697320 the Software is - 0a770 6675726e 69736865 6420746f 20646f20 furnished to do - 0a780 736f2c20 7375626a 65637420 746f0a20 so, subject to. - 0a790 20202074 68652066 6f6c6c6f 77696e67 the following - 0a7a0 20636f6e 64697469 6f6e733a 0a0a2020 conditions:.. - 0a7b0 20205468 65206162 6f766520 636f7079 The above copy - 0a7c0 72696768 74206e6f 74696365 20616e64 right notice and - 0a7d0 20746869 73207065 726d6973 73696f6e this permission - 0a7e0 206e6f74 69636520 7368616c 6c206265 notice shall be - 0a7f0 20696e63 6c756465 640a2020 2020696e included. in - 0a800 20616c6c 20636f70 69657320 6f722073 all copies or s - 0a810 75627374 616e7469 616c2070 6f727469 ubstantial porti - 0a820 6f6e7320 6f662074 68652053 6f667477 ons of the Softw - 0a830 6172652e 0a0a2020 20205448 4520534f are... THE SO - 0a840 46545741 52452049 53205052 4f564944 FTWARE IS PROVID - 0a850 45442022 41532049 53222c20 57495448 ED "AS IS", WITH - 0a860 4f555420 57415252 414e5459 204f4620 OUT WARRANTY OF - 0a870 414e5920 4b494e44 2c204558 50524553 ANY KIND, EXPRES - 0a880 530a2020 20204f52 20494d50 4c494544 S. OR IMPLIED - 0a890 2c20494e 434c5544 494e4720 42555420 , INCLUDING BUT - 0a8a0 4e4f5420 4c494d49 54454420 544f2054 NOT LIMITED TO T - 0a8b0 48452057 41525241 4e544945 53204f46 HE WARRANTIES OF - 0a8c0 0a202020 204d4552 4348414e 54414249 . MERCHANTABI - 0a8d0 4c495459 2c204649 544e4553 5320464f LITY, FITNESS FO - 0a8e0 52204120 50415254 4943554c 41522050 R A PARTICULAR P - 0a8f0 5552504f 53452041 4e44204e 4f4e494e URPOSE AND NONIN overalldiffered=1 (number of pkgs that are not bit-by-bit identical: 0 is good) overall=1