~/f/umbrello/RPMS.2017 ~/f/umbrello ~/f/umbrello RPMS.2017/umbrello-20.12.3-0.0.x86_64.rpm RPMS/umbrello-20.12.3-0.0.x86_64.rpm differ: byte 225, line 1 Comparing umbrello-20.12.3-0.0.x86_64.rpm to umbrello-20.12.3-0.0.x86_64.rpm comparing the rpm tags of umbrello --- old-rpm-tags +++ new-rpm-tags @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ ___QF_CHECKSUM___ /usr/bin/po2xmi5 8b9b308a8616f467bb58edb94a66b0c0887ff3fa2f2e6d25b7481dc0165046a7 0 -/usr/bin/umbrello5 d81f40cca99236d19fa6e2902cda9db719f26fdc402d1ce048f65d11b962bbce 0 +/usr/bin/umbrello5 6c2d4f0f4d70d8d046f7ca691b0d55dd1c416a226f21d35e256639fa3cae64e6 0 /usr/bin/xmi2pot5 6cf8f6bf45c335d8c9aa60da772fbe9c92e2dbf6c4d1b1129f80188f455b3668 0 /usr/share/applications/org.kde.umbrello.desktop 6770605d8126effd938043cc8c31d3b082754ea08d2f3958a99df7d37c54b2ed 0 /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/umbrello 0 comparing rpmtags comparing RELEASE comparing PROVIDES comparing scripts comparing filelist comparing file checksum creating rename script RPM file checksum differs. Extracting packages /usr/bin/umbrello5 differs in assembler output --- old /usr/bin/umbrello5 (disasm) +++ new /usr/bin/umbrello5 (disasm) @@ -698538,42 +698538,42 @@ mov offset(%rbp),%rdx cmp %rdx,%rbx je <_ZN3Php6Parser14parseClassBodyEPPNS_12ClassBodyAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> - lea offset(%rsp),%rbx + lea offset(%rsp),%rbp jmp <_ZN3Php6Parser14parseClassBodyEPPNS_12ClassBodyAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> nopw offset(%rax,%rax,1) lea offset(%rdx),%rax - mov %rax,offset(%rbp) + mov %rax,offset(%rbx) lea (%rdx,%rdx,4),%rax mov (%rcx,%rax,8),%eax mov %eax,offset(%r13) lea -offset(%rax),%edx lea -offset(%rax),%ecx cmp $something,%edx - movabs $something,%rdx + lea -offset(%rax),%edx setbe %sil + cmp $something,%edx + setbe %r8b cmp $something,%eax sete %dil + cmp $something,%eax + sete %dl + or %edx,%edi + movabs $something,%rdx shr %cl,%rdx and $something,%edx cmp $something,%ecx mov $something,%ecx cmovae %ecx,%edx - cmp $something,%eax - sete %cl - or %edi,%ecx - or %esi,%ecx - lea -offset(%rax),%esi - 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nopl offset(%rax) + nopl offset(%rax,%rax,1) xor %edi,%edi xor %ecx,%ecx jmpq <_ZN3Php6Parser14parseClassBodyEPPNS_12ClassBodyAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> @@ -698739,9 +698739,9 @@ callq <_ZN6KDevPG9BlockType8allocateEmPPS0_> mov offset(%rsp),%rdx movl $something,offset(%rax) - mov offset(%r15),%edi + mov offset(%r15),%esi mov %rdx,(%rax) - lea offset(%rdi),%edx + lea offset(%rsi),%edx mov %rax,offset(%rax) mov %edx,offset(%rax) mov offset(%r15),%rdx @@ -698964,12 +698964,12 @@ lea offset(%rip),%rax # <_ZZZN3Php6Parser19parseClassStatementEPPNS_17ClassStatementAstEENKUlvE2_clEvE15qstring_literal> jne <_ZN3Php6Parser14parseClassBodyEPPNS_12ClassBodyAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> jmpq <_ZN3Php6Parser14parseClassBodyEPPNS_12ClassBodyAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> - mov %rbx,%rdx - mov %rbp,%rdi + mov %rbp,%rdx + mov %rbx,%rdi callq <_ZNSt6vectorIN3Php5TokenESaIS1_EE17_M_realloc_insertIJS1_EEEvN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EEDpOT_.constprop.0> - mov offset(%rbp),%rsi - mov offset(%rbp),%rcx - mov offset(%rbp),%rdx + mov offset(%rbx),%rsi + mov (%rbx),%rcx + mov offset(%rbx),%rdx jmpq <_ZN3Php6Parser14parseClassBodyEPPNS_12ClassBodyAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> cmp $something,%eax jne <_ZN3Php6Parser14parseClassBodyEPPNS_12ClassBodyAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> @@ -698987,7 +698987,7 @@ lea offset(%rip),%rax # <_ZZZN3Php6Parser19parseClassStatementEPPNS_17ClassStatementAstEENKUlvE18_clEvE15qstring_literal> jne <_ZN3Php6Parser14parseClassBodyEPPNS_12ClassBodyAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> jmpq <_ZN3Php6Parser14parseClassBodyEPPNS_12ClassBodyAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> - nop + xchg %ax,%ax cmpb $something,offset(%r13) lea offset(%rip),%rax # <_ZZZN3Php6Parser19parseClassStatementEPPNS_17ClassStatementAstEENKUlvE12_clEvE15qstring_literal> jne <_ZN3Php6Parser14parseClassBodyEPPNS_12ClassBodyAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> @@ -701068,9 +701068,8 @@ mov %r13,%rbx cmp %rax,%r14 je <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> - lea -offset(%rsi),%ecx - mov $something,%r9d movabs $something,%rbp + lea -offset(%rsi),%ecx movabs $something,%r14 cmp $something,%ecx ja <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> @@ -701081,7 +701080,7 @@ lea -offset(%rsi),%edx cmp $something,%edx ja <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> - bt %rdx,%r9 + bt %rdx,%rbp jb <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> test %al,%al je <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> @@ -701105,21 +701104,21 @@ mov %esi,offset(%r15) cmp $something,%ecx jbe <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> - nopl offset(%rax) + nopw offset(%rax,%rax,1) lea -offset(%rsi),%ecx cmp $something,%ecx ja <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> - mov %rbp,%rax + mov $something,%eax shr %cl,%rax not %rax and $something,%eax - jmp <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> - nopl (%rax) + jmpq <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> + nopw offset(%rax,%rax,1) cmp %r10,%rsi jbe <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> mov %rbp,(%rsp) jmp <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> - nopl offset(%rax,%rax,1) + nopw offset(%rax,%rax,1) mov %rax,%rbx mov offset(%rbx),%rdx lea offset(%rdx),%rsi @@ -701226,7 +701225,6 @@ callq <_ZNSt6vectorIN3Php5TokenESaIS1_EE17_M_realloc_insertIJS1_EEEvN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EEDpOT_.constprop.0> mov offset(%r15),%r13 mov offset(%rbx),%rsi - mov $something,%r9d mov (%rbx),%rcx mov offset(%rbx),%rdx mov %r13,%rdi @@ -701278,7 +701276,7 @@ jmpq <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> mov $something,%r8d jmpq <_ZN3Php6Parser23parseInnerStatementListEPPNS_21InnerStatementListAstE.constprop.0 + ofs> - nopl offset(%rax,%rax,1) + xchg %ax,%ax _ZN3Php6Parser25parseStaticArrayPairValueEPPNS_23StaticArrayPairValueAstE.constprop.0: push %r15 /usr/bin/umbrello5 differs in ELF section .text --- old /usr/bin/umbrello5 (objdump) +++ new /usr/bin/umbrello5 (objdump) @@ -181729,7 +181729,7 @@ 7347b0 d3ee48d3 ef4889f1 83e70183 e1014409 ..H..H........D. 7347c0 d24408c2 750484c9 74653d06 0400000f .D..u...te=..... 7347d0 84f30100 003d8104 00000f84 30020000 .....=......0... - 7347e0 4508c275 094084ff 0f84e307 0000488d E..u.@........H. + 7347e0 4508c275 094084ff 0f84e207 0000488d E..u.@........H. 7347f0 7424384c 89ef48c7 44243800 000000e8 t$8L..H.D$8..... 734800 6cc80100 84c00f84 84010000 488b4424 l...........H.D$ 734810 38488945 30418b45 103d8204 00000f84 8H.E0A.E.=...... @@ -181737,24 +181737,24 @@ 734830 85e4741a 418b0424 4c89e741 89453841 ..t.A..$L..A.E8A 734840 0fb64424 04418845 3ce8b241 d3ff498b ..D$.A.E<..A..I. 734850 6d08418b 4510488b 55184839 d30f8415 m.A.E.H.U.H9.... - 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